Pascal Béjean - Olivier Körner - Nicolas Ledoux
Concept & design
Catalogue papier et numérique de l’exposition Robotic art robotique, présentée par la Cité des sciences et de l'industrie.
Design réalisé par ABM Studio.
Coédition Art Book Magazine / Cité des sciences.
Un catalogue «pléiade» : 23 Fracs et trente ans de création! Un défi dense et passionnant, une grille implacable qui joue pourtant en sur-mesure. Une équipe éditoriale de choc pour un projet cosmique qui clôt en beauté une opération au long cours.
Voir le projet d’affiche, flyer et site internet.
Our first digital art catalogue for the exhibition curator Jeanne Susplugas. An international selection and numerous experimentations. 250 “pages” for this augmented publication, distributed in october by Art, Book, Magazine.
Album des jeunes architectes et des paysagistes. Une identité graphique qui s’échappe du catalogue pour devenir affiches et panneaux d’expositions.
Une typographie en néons pour la signalétique et en bâtons pour les éditions et la communication. Un projet hybride entre signalétique et support de communication. Une collaboration dynamique et motivante avec les scénographes Freaks Freearchitects. Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine.
Raphaële Jeune asked us to design this catalogue, which covers her year of curatorship in 2011 at the Maison Populaire de Montreuil, with three exhibitions: an opportunity to address substantial, shifting, unorthodox content at a far remove from the usual curatorial norms. Maison populaire de Montreuil. An iPad version avalaible on Art, Book, Magazine.
Un monographie papier et numérique, un coffret CD. Noir sur noir. Un parti-pris fort au service de notre ami Jérome Poret et de son travail sonore et plastique. Un ensemble sans concession.
An architect’s monography, printed and digital, for Jean-François Schmit. Photographs, blueprints, interviews et texts make this rich and dense book.
A two-faced book for two projects reconcile in the middle. Filigranes Éditions. An iPad version avalaible on Art, Book, Magazine.
3 artists, 3 colours, 9 billboards combined and layered in the city of Valence. A 2-way catalogue, overlapping images, intertwined texts for an immerged exhibition. Ackermann, Ballet, Turrell… Thank you to Dorothée Deyries-Henry and her team. Welcome to India. Check out the billboards’ silkprinting at Serica.
Après Choices 1, voici le tome 2 des aventures artistiques de la galerie Magda Danysz. Réalisé pour la foire d’art contemporain de Hong-kong – 3 langues et l’illustration d’un virage international pour la sélection des artistes. Une version numérique regroupant les deux tomes est en préparation pour une diffusion sur Art, Book, Magazine.
A book about art history and stories around the art agent Ghislain Mollet-Viéville – minimal, conceptual… A 2-year project for an artist book with slight shiftings and re-writings.
A small publication and a poster for a duet of artists: Pierre Beloüin & P. Nicolas Ledoux, for their exhibition at the Wharf art center.
8 seasons. Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers. A moving book for an ongoing adventure. Published by Pyramyd. Available here.
We had remixed this German artist’s paintings on record sleeves. Ten years later, he is trusting us to design his catalogue, combining his work with a photo shoot made in his workshop in Berlin.
A special release between our issues Zero and One, but who’s counting? Responding to the exhibition «Le Temps des Manifestes» at the Espace de l’Art Concret, curated by Fabienne Fulchéri, this visual experience can be made on the walls with posters, which actually are the signature sheets of the magazine. Posters being the privileged option, experts will understand that a few pages walk on the floor. Make up your mind and pick either one of these versions, or both. Available on site or online, and displayed in July, in Paris, at both galleries Frédéric Giroux and Magda Danysz. With Geoffroy Tobé. Texts by Fabienne Fulchéri and Étienne Hervy.
5 opuscules in a boxed set for a biennal of a contemporary art out of the ordinary. A close collaboration with the curator Raphaële Jeune and the editor Les Presses du Réel. A printed and a downloadable versions, each in french and in english. With Geoffroy Tobé.
A small custom-made catalogue: the layout and the typographies follow the movement of the hand and react to static electricity as put in motion by brasilian artist Servulo Esmeraldo in his work. A detachable manual, confettis, a plastic sleeve... Simple and efficient. For the Maison européenne de la photographie and Jean-Luc Soret.
Ten years after the first catalogue, Didier Courbot's new book. A bright edge, a few unobtrusive holes in the cover. Japanese, english and french!
3 exhibitions, a whole year at the Transpalette curated by Léonor Nuridsany. Fréquences 1, how to exhibit sound – with Sébastien Lespinasse, Gerome Nox and Urs. Fréquences 1/2/3 : a low-tech design, economically connected to a uncompromising project.
Corporate identuty for the art contemporain fair
Poster, book, leaflet, invitations, badges
Éditions Jeu de paume.
(Cover based on Nicolas Hubert’s collection)
Éditions Ultralab & Monografik
Éditions Ultralab & Archibooks
Look at the photographs «Tu me manques 1», «Tu me manques 2», «Les jardins de Leurre» and «Underland»
Corporate identity
Invitation cards
Published by Jean-Baptiste Decavèle and Credac, centre d’art
Typegace Eve face designed by Susan LaPorte
Books and billdoards